Pippa Passes: Invitation for Singapore May 29th, Thank you Toronto. Readying for Le Mans and Iceland
I am going to be in Singapore speaking at the YPO event about Cosmopoeisis. I am inviting subscribers to join me for dinner in Singapore on Monday, May 29th. We had a fabulous lunch with subscribers in Toronto last week. I won’t name names, but several very senior current and former Canadian government officials came along with major fund managers and entrepreneurs. We had a seriously great conversation about what the heck is happening in the world and how to make sense of it. We tested ideas and theories about geopolitics and markets and made new friendships with like-minded people.
The next stop is Singapore. If you are not a subscriber, please become one now. We’ll be tackling some big tricky issues like how to deal with the massive military build-up in the Pacific and the risk of conflict over Taiwan and between China and the US, and how to knit these two nations back together again. Singapore, South Korea, The Philippines, South East Asian nations, Japan, Australia, and the Pacific Islands are all being affected by all this. The solution requires conversations. Join me.
We are heading to the Le Mans Classic Car race on for June 29-July 2nd. We have a great group coming, including one of the world’s leading experts on brands, and one of the leading experts on app building (who repeatedly produced a number-one app on both Google and Apple many times over). Plus, it looks like some world-class athletes. Let’s talk about risk-taking while watching risk-taking.
Iceland is in late September. Cool people. Cold, beautiful places. Hot topics. We have some places left for the right people. You have to like the idea of Wabi-Sabi moss bathing, as below.
Email us here for more about Singapore, LeMans, or Iceland.