The transfer of power from President Biden to President Trump is now done. Trump is in power and in office. The Tech bros/Broligarchs rule. AI effectively has a cabinet seat. Bobby Kennedy is not only in charge of health policy, he has a President and a public that are committed to revealing who duped the country into enriching certain companies at the expense of human health. The shift in the power structure is so profound that many still can’t process what is happening. Confusion reigns. Many disparate events are underway, and the linkages between them are difficult to comprehend. Much of what is happening is so “inside the beltway” and subtle or so technical that even insiders can’t connect the dots between them, let alone outsiders. Here are some of those dots…..
Both President Biden and Trump issued scrip in the hours before the transfer of power. President Trump launched two new cryptocurrencies hours before the inauguration, $TRUMP, and $MELANIA. $TRUMP went up 18,000% in a day, which means it surpassed the all-time performance of the US stock market since its inception. It now has a bigger market cap than most Fortune 500 companies. This is the same strategy he used with Truth Social. These are business model innovations around political fundraising. The current system of campaign contributions is opaque. This new approach is more effective and arguably more transparent. There will be complaints that both methods are still grift. The choice, at this point, unpalatable as it may be, is – do you want transparent grift or opaque grift? The $TRUMP system also requires “buy-in.” Those who bought in made some serious money. Those who didn’t weren’t loyal and now are not rich. Think of it another way. Victors always extract tribute. The strategy goes back to Ghengis Khan. He said you have two choices. Pay me tribute, or you are all dead. Today, the Congressmen and Senators who keep trying to oppose Trump don’t get the financial windfall and are suddenly removed from critical roles without warning (more on the demise of Mike Turner last week shortly). Those who don’t pay “tribute” are suddenly professionally dead.
Izabella Kaminska, who always writes unmissable missives on her Blind Spot, has done a huge amount of work on the history of this kind of currency event. She suggests that $TRUMP may be very like the coin issued by Gaius Octavius after he defeated Cleopatra and Mark Anthony at The Battle of Actium. That victory transformed him from being the mere nephew of Julius Caesar into being Augustus, the first Roman Emperor. The Battle of Actium Coin commemorated the simultaneous victory over the foreign threat (Cleopatra) and the domestic threat (Mark Anthony), and, as such, it served as a critical piece of propaganda. It marked the end of internal and foreign wars and positioned Augustus as the savior of Rome and founder of a new era - the Pax Romana (Roman Peace). The message went wherever the coin went. This currency, like all currencies, includes elements of seignorage. This might require another essay, but, in short, Trump knows a lot about branding. He is slapping the Trump name on the USD just like he slapped it on buildings. People may dislike the brand. It’s loud. It’s big. It’s gold. But, it seems to always work for him. As he shifts the USD into $TRUMP and Bitcoin, he is also constraining The Federal Reserve, forcing them to stop inflating away the currency in their effort to remain popular. He is also building a war chest that allows him to circumvent Congress. If they don’t fund his ideas, he now has a way to fund these ideas himself. He financed his own transition team much to the horror of the opposition because they could not track what they were up to.
In the final minutes of his Presidency, President Biden also issued an extremely valuable currency of his own – Presidential Pardons. These were announced some 45 minutes before the end of his Presidency, precisely at the moment that everyone’s attention was trained on the highly unusual indoor swearing-in ceremony. The pardons were removed from the White House website almost as fast as they went up. He pardoned all his siblings and, strangely, their spouses too. Sadly for them, this won’t be the end of it. Now, Congress can subpoena them all, including Anthony Fauci. The pardon won’t cover any perjury that happens going forward. So, truths will come out. In addition, one gets the sense that Trump won’t rely on the legal system to do the work. Instead, the highly tech-savvy Trump team may just release the evidence into the public domain, effectively putting the pardon holders into a public trial without the protection of legal niceties. It matters that Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos were in attendance at the swearing-in. Zuckerberg has already gone on Joe Rogan to say, “The White House shouted at us and made me censor/suppress people and facts, but, phew, now I am free to tell the truth.” Similarly, Bezos has cleared out the newsroom to make space for those who will write the stories the new White House wants to be told. That’s the prerogative of a President. The media aligns with the victor.
Notice also that a few days ago, The Speaker of the House fired the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Congressman Mike Turner, without warning and without announcing a successor. This is highly unusual. Then, only two days ago (the timing of all this has been carefully managed), several senior members from the highest echelons of the US Special Forces Community (STS-24 the Air Force’s Special Ops Tactical Unit that supports the acclaimed Delta Force) issued an interview. Most missed it because it was on the high weirdness subject of UAPs. But, for those who understand that Trump and his team seem committed to revealing many classified secrets around this issue, the interview marked an important sea change. It was not just a whistleblower interview. Instead, it constituted something more like a community threat from the most lethal operators in the US military to the powers that be. The message was clear. These Special Ops teams are no longer ok with the immense secrecy around an issue that is putting them in harm’s way. They are not cool with the ongoing efforts to shill for more wars. Jake Barber’s revelations included the physical damage he and his team incurred from being exposed to something that is so super-secret and strange (a weird egg) that even his team did not know what they were dealing with. Several colleagues backed his story, including Fred Baker, a “legend” in the Air Force combat controller community who has Four Bronze Stars. I agree with Matt Pine’s assessment that these Tier One Operators are now opposing the legacy UAP programs and opposing the secrecy, the danger, the illegality, and the opaqueness. These people have incurred death threats, and some have been murdered in an attempt to silence them. The politicians and military people who have been trying to shut them up are learning a hard rule. If you train a highly lethal force of the world’s most competent and patriotic trained killers, it’s not smart to threaten or kill them.
It matters that Mike Turner, the fired Chair of the Committee that oversees the CIA and other intel agencies that order these secret operations, has long opposed any transparency on the UAP subject, blocked all amendments on it, and continuously pushed for the amping up of the war in Ukraine . Not only is he backed by Lockheed, Raytheon, and Boeing, but he also has the ground zero of this issue - Wright-Patterson Airbase - in his district. The bottom line here is that the Tier One front-line operators, who are sworn to secrecy, are no longer ok with secrets of such importance being withheld from various Presidents, Congress, and the public. They are no longer ok with forever wars without a clearly defined goal or exit. All this implies that Trump