
I mean from email! You can certainly share from the share button but please don't send the whole email you get from me. Thank you!!

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Happy to help, but in the world in which we live, how should interest in your site pass by word of mouth, except by sharing excerpts of your work?

That said, this may be exposing a limitation in Substack accounts if account holders are unable to specify how many free quarterly/annual visits people can have until they subscribe, as is the case with almost every commercial publication with an online presence. While it seems that a feature like this should be available through Substack, that doesn’t seem to be the case, where instead it suggests that account holders pump up interest in their writing, and then go private across the board. https://on.substack.com/p/going-paid-checklist

At the risk of preaching to the choir, this may be an issue best addressed with Substack.

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Having just pressed your subscribe button the other day..... I’m left feeling slightly perplexed relating to comments you dropped about your work being shared by your paid subscribers.

It stopped me in my tracks and left me scratching my head at how a contributor in Substack would ask their subscribers not to share their work as you have done.

As a new and unpaid subscriber to your work and with an open spirit to read and share peoples work in the knowledge that this is exactly how people find you, I’m left scratching my head.

Maybe a more effective, less miserly way of promoting your work would be to celebrate the information and share opening with the trust and belief that you will become more abundant. That’s just how the universe works. Rigidity keeps you rigid. I wouldn’t normally comment but it had me thinking you were cutting off your nose to spite your face, so to speak.

If people like you and your work they will subscribe and pay and support your abundance. No offence meant.

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Enjoy the R&R Dr. Pippa! Have complied with your above request since day 1, believe it comes down to one's character.

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I love your emails and your incredible perspective on the world. I have told friends to sign up, they can always chose to unsubscribe!

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Enjoy your break!

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