
It's very cool to be named one of the 9 "most interesting" podcast guests in 2021 by

@moneyweek. Here's my interview explaining what NFTs are in plain English https://bit.ly/346yL1A

Thank you






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I'm saving this article to show to my kids one day, if I'm lucky enough to have them. It will be hard to explain this kind of breathless fantasy to people not alive at the time.

As a late millenial CS grad I was into crypto long before hucksters and I've made more returns from them than the average investor makes in a lifetime. That said, you can count me as Formerly Astonished. The technology is, unfortunately, trash. Mining sucks, PoS is infinitely worse and ultimately crypto on Satoshi's model is a nice proof of concept but *can not and will not scale*. Without Tether and binance/bfx/CB you have an untransactable mess which can in no way support the economic activity of billions of people. Another generational leap in technological innovation is required to produce something functional. Until then all you have is a nice plaything for scammers to sell worthless crap and convention tickets (does raoul accept crypto as payment for RV?) to the gormless rubes who want to get rich without working for it.

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You seem well versed. Whats your take on Monero ? This is less about DeFi but about the fact that CBDC are basically controled by the state and could be termed surveillance coins, just like Bitcoin. Why would i want to transact in a token that is centralized and can be censored by a simple button. Surely thats a dystopian nightmare, and the same goes for all the opaque DeFi wallets.

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