Nov 8, 2022Liked by Dr Pippa

It's worth pausing for a moment and re-reading this article. Count up how many things that are now known as fact, that would have been angrily dismissed as tinfoil-hat Russian disinformation two years ago. Creation of enhanced CoVID in a lab, funding of said creation by the NIH, existence of biolabs in Ukraine, Hunter Biden's (!) involvement, absence of vigorous testing by Pfizer - I'm sure I'm missing a few. Good Lord.

Here's the great thing about today's (assumed) Red Wave, regardless of your party. Republicans are licking their chops at the prospect of taking both Houses and launching multiple investigations. The Democrat institutions (meaning yes, the State Department and the FBI), and the major Media channels, are going to put on a spectacular exhibition of diving on grenades to smother the truth, in the name of (snicker) Protecting Democracy. Once that doesn't work, they'll switch back to offense and rip into the Republicans like they did during Trump's four years. Good. The Republicans certainly aren't saints. Let each side eviscerate the other. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

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Have you read the book, Opration Paperclip? It is likely the US has been active in bioterrorism for decades and integrated German and Japanese scientists after WW2 who were, at times, engaged in horrific experiments.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Dr Pippa

You spoiled my breakfast, not for the first time may I say.

The Republicans should landslide in the House and take the Senate by at least 1 seat, hopefully 2. Not that I things will get better, rather they will get worse partially for the reasons stated in your essay about pinning blame on Biden (though he does deserve it). But in reality little will change for the good, polarization will deepen. Ukraine war will drag on until the EU seems the common sense in negotiations with Russia or Ukraine is destroyed.

As regards the covid issue. I do not for one second believe this was a natural release from eating some freaking bat. Never have. But I also believe it wont be the last pandemic and unfortunately I suspect the ideal killer will be a virulent and deadly flu strain. It is what it is. Some humans do stupid stuff.

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My heart weeps for ordinary people that have been affected by this madness. There needs to be global condemnation of this type of activity.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Dr Pippa

A brilliant article. But, simplistically, how bloody depressing! A plague on ALL their houses!

Or Covid if that's easier... 😁

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An interesting day to publish this article given the potential impacts of a change in party leadership in Congress. Seemingly, as always, you open our eyes to problems that remain hidden from the vast majority of people. I remain simultaneously happy I am aware, and sad as well, given the potential ramifications. ignorance truly is bliss, but dangerous as well.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Dr Pippa

Very useful observations and analysis. Well done indeed

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Dr Pippa

Hunter Biden is such a monster. Probably also funding the dirty bomb.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Dr Pippa

This is an interesting discussion between an analyst and a scientist, on the topic of viral origins.


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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Dr Pippa

I appreciate the alternative perspective that gives us a lens to see from Russian and Chinese government eyes. Tho well written, a disheartening read, because it shows geopolitical truth is difficult to discern and new dangers ever creeping into our world.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Dr Pippa

Perhaps the next revolution is more GLOBAL in nature. Away from people like you who anthropomorphize nation-states, as if it was WWI and "the German" (aka Prussian) and "the Russian" fell off different trees.

The similarity between the power-elites ACROSS nation-states is damning. The consumer and labor no longer want to fight your empty wars, perform your empty jobs, and consume your perverse goods and services.

The call is for GLOBAL Non-Violent Non-Participation. Viral gain of mal-function. Coming at you at the speed of "social" media.

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Amazing! Particularly regarding Hunter Biden involvement in the funding of bio weapon development programs.

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Sometimes, I read things like what you've written today, Pippa, and then I spend hours with those things simmering in the background while the day moves onward. This Pishi and Porcupine essay has stuck with me today across the hours, perhaps like a porcupine quill. Of all the sticky and prickly thoughts in the essay, the following is what has lingered the most persistently: "... it is worth remembering that the greatest suspicion arises when you yourself are engaged in whatever you are accusing others of doing." That truth was known to me before today because of past experiences with numerous people who inadvertently told me their issues/problems without ever addressing them directly. What struck me today about that truth is how to apply it when looking around and noting the geopolitical shenanigans that are in play. The wonder and horror of applying that truth in that way is... stunning.

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"Deep State" indeed, on all sides of the oceans. Our esteemed leaders need a comeuppance.

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Pippa, a fabulous article, for which many thanks!

Firstly my bona files, such as they are...

I've worked in the diagnostics field for almost 50 years, whatever that's worth!

Concerning collection of genetic profiles, one would have to mail in a personal sample e.g. to a lab to enable it to be collected by an unfriendly agent. Similarly most pregnancy tests are not mail-in so much (much) less likely to be collected - unless the CCP (etc...) are going through our bins - unlikely but not impossible! Could have been made clearer, I think.

Lastly, as a cynical, OCD, anally retentive scientist, maybe a couple of copywriting tweaks, but yes, a wonderful article, thanks! I'm off to see if I can subscribe 😁 ... P.

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