I love the way your brain works Pippa and how you make mine churn too. Great article. I laughed when I came across “Space space” and this:

“What if we are fighting off-balance-sheet opponents with off-balance-sheet-assets, using off-balance-sheet resources ourselves?”

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This does not help one sleep soundly, but thank you for alerting us. In the end, it appears clear that nothing is truly off balance sheet, but given the way government's "account" for things, they simply want to make sure some of it never comes to light

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What is shocking the most isthe fact That Victoria Nuland basically admited that they were organising some very suspicions and probably also very dangerous things in bio labs in Ukraine; if that wouldn't be the case she wouldn't be sop worried that that hingd would get into the Russian hands...and Ukranian government certainly wouldn't be losing time preventing that in mindts of the war!

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After a while, again a very good and fair, neutral article not like a few cheerleading ones in the between.

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This was a great article! Impressed by the links to articles that you post.

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superb...you've hit the ''eye of the mosquito'', as we say here in Brazil.

Off balance sheet problems everywhere...

Has the whole world turned into some sort of big ENRON?


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Fascinating column this morning Pippa.

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To the extent off balance sheet activities by governments have become normalized, where’s the line that says similar off balance sheet activities by businesses and individuals shouldn’t also be acceptable ( or at least have a blind eye turned on them)……

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A wealth of information, and a paragon of trust in government officials.

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You're a wealth of information Dr. Malmgren!

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