
An update on Urup:

Russia claims they found a “sonar countermeasure device, which the U.S. Navy submarine had allegedly abandoned when it left the area” according to Newsweek. It was “reportedly found off the island of Urup in the Kuril Island chain. The news agency claimed that the U.S. submarine had fired the device after Russian forces used a weapon against the submarine.”

“Eric Pahon, spokesman at the office of the Secretary of Defense, told Newsweek in a statement on Wednesday: "As we said on Saturday, the Russian claims about an alleged naval interaction in the Pacific were untrue. These additional claims are nonsense and disinformation."

Urup and the Kuril look set to be in the news more.


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Maybe the West simply let cocky Ukrainian government flexing their muscles for too long, at the expense of their own population. Thoughts ?

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